7 May 2012

Wallumbilla Show 2012

Our rehearsals on the 4th left a lot to be desired, but we needn't have worried. The dogs seem to know when it’s a real show and when we’re just practicing. So, here’s what happened next…
I woke up and immediately wondered why my watch hadn’t beeped to wake me up. All was quiet. It was 7:11am. Eleven minutes since my alarm should have gone off. I looked at it and realized that I’d set it wrong last night. Amazingly I’d still woken early enough. Jessica moved from across the “hallway.” “Hey, Jess, are you awake?” I whispered. “Of course,” said Jessica, sounding wide awake. Chana was also awake, and Chantel was stirring from the top bunk. After quickly having our morning drinks, the dogs were walked, brushed, and sprayed with a “Show Shine” spray. We carried our gear up to our area, set up, Mummy told the announcer what times we’d be performing, then us four performers ran home, pulled on our Superdog clothes, and just had time to wipe down our boots before our first performance at 10:30. Then, grabbing the dogs and putting on their bandannas, we ran back to our spot and began our routines. Afterwards, even Chantel was grinning. The audience, smaller than I’d expected, cheered. Although I struggled to hear the next cue in the music for our Canine Freestyle because of the music booming out from the dodgem cars area across the road, I was pleased with our efforts. “Our next performance will be at 12:00!” Mummy shouted over the music. I couldn’t resist rolling my eyes. If they’d just tone down the music things would be better. The 12:00 performance was better, but the 2:30 performance was amazing. The audience was huge, at least 30 people and probably more. We got heaps of positive comments, and everyone seemed to love watching us.
After the fireworks, we practically fell into bed and were asleep in minutes. None of us were awake before 8:30 the next morning, and some of us were still in bed an hour after that. Well, I think that after such a big day, we deserved a sleep-in!
And wouldn’t you know it, we did it again. “Superdogs Trick Show with their entertaining dog tricks” were mentioned in three different newspapers.

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