20 November 2013


20-11-13 - Upgrades

So the farm job didn’t work out so we’re still on the road. Daddy’s got a few days work painting, with one of the guys who built the bunks.


Sparkie’s training is going great. I’m able to take her everywhere – hardware store, library, even the supermarket! So here’s how it works: every week, our trainer Hans sends us a log detailing what we need to work on for the week. I work with Sparkie and fill out the log, and send it back at the end of the week, usually with several videos of our training. Hans reviews the log and the videos and then decides what we need to work on for the next week, and sends us another log. At some point in the next few weeks, we’ll be heading down to Melbourne, where he’s based, to have a one-on-one in person training session.


And as promised, the bunks. Ian and Mike arrived on Sunday morning (ten days ago) and the bunks were all in by lunchtime. Only they forgot to take into the account it was Sunday, all the shops were shut, so we had to sleep on solid wood for a night. We piled as many blankets and sleeping bags as we could for padding, but it was a miserable night of tossing and turning, and I woke up feeling almost as stiff as the board I’d slept on! So that day we went out and brought air beds, and we’re all loving our new comfy beds.

2013-11-10 10.35.532013-11-10 11.18.042013-11-10 11.22.372013-11-10 11.36.492013-11-10 11.44.372013-11-10 12.37.552013-11-10 12.57.252013-11-18 12.51.24


The van is still for sale, and a guy has said he’s going to buy it, and he was meant to be here at 6pm today but it’s 7:30pm now and there’s no sign of him. So we’ll see what happens next!

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