17 January 2017

Trivial Details

Two weeks and three days into January. Nothing much to say really, but I said I’d post more regularly so here I am, posting some trivial details about the weather and what’s up on the farm.


We haven’t actually had much of a summer yet and we’re already over halfway through it. There’s been some warm weeks but only a few scorching days, and a lot of cooler weather.



Harvesting season is finished now, I think, although there might be one more paddock they’re planning to do at some point. They finally took the bulls out of the heifer and milking herds last week, so our calves (now seven and eight month olds) get to safely share a paddock with the heifers during the day. But unfortunately it seems the sick cow “Stray” didn’t make it.



What else? Skuggi’s doing good in his training. We went to George Taylor’s (farming/camping supply store) yesterday and he was amazing. We’re hopefully starting dog school again next month to keep up his socializing and confidence with other dogs.



We’re planning to start collecting firewood at the end of this month, in preparation for winter. Last winter we had only a week or so once we arrived here to collect wood before the rain hit, making everything not undercover too wet to burn. And it was a very long, very cold winter where the fire burned all day every day and the heater at night.

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