8 June 2018

Worth The Fight

Wow, it has been a long time since I posted here. Sorry I've been so slack at updating. We got ourselves a new dairy farm job a month ago, its practices so dramatically different from our last job it almost feels like a different industry. Animal welfare is held to such a high standard they don't even separate the calves from the cows until weaning time. The babies stay with their mothers all day, feeding and socializing and playing in the paddocks until milking time, where they are separated for just a few minutes while their mother goes through the milking shed, and then they go back together for the night. 

We had a little calf, "Dot," who got sick. About the same time, she somehow hurt her leg so bad it couldn't take any weight. And then shortly after that, the foxes got to her. She was a fighter and we did what we could, but in the end she couldn't do it anymore. We made the call that she wasn't ever going to recover, and the boss got a vet to come out and humanely euthanize her, ending her suffering. It was the kindest thing for her, but something that was never an option at the old farm.

We went to Geelong two weeks ago to compete in an agility trial, and Skuggi ran eight courses over the two days, managing to get placings in half of them. We got two seconds, a third, and a fourth. He really loves this sport!

In two weeks it's Sparkie's turn for another adventure, where we take on the city for the weekend, for AHBL9. It's always so much fun to hang out with other fans of Supernatural, meet some of the actors, and do a little bit of sightseeing. "Touristy" stuff. Hopefully the weather is nice to us.

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